Why i fear for the future?
Definition of fear by Avadhuta Gita : " The word "fear" includes such states of mind as insecurity,despair, and grief, all of which arise from a consciousness of oneself as limited and separate from others and which therefore can be dispelled only by realizing oneself as the All "
Fear is the deepest feelings in all mind. Tell mind that why you fear?
You are not born nor do you die.At no time do you have a body.
A good teacher can eliminate your fear. But waiting for a teacher is the most difficult part. Why you are waiting for? Is your inner self itself can act as a teacher? The answer is Yes, Because its the only thing who awaken all the times even when you are at sleeping also. Look into your inner self. Tell him that you cant wait anymore, teach me all your knowledge you have.
Sit in any comfortable position and concentrate in between your two eyes. and breath slowly. then say . " This is I AM" !
If you concentrate deeply then you feel a vibration in lower part of your body.
Think this, a sound of a Bell..listen it..the sound slowly became narrow... your breath will also became small.....go go....don't stop...
When an empty pot is broken,the space within it is absorbed in the infinite space
and becomes undifferentiated. There are no worlds,no caste, no stage in life, no family, no job, no struggling, no friends, no enemies,no good, no bad,no birth.There is only the highest Truth.. Thats me! My inner self. Thats the supreme self !!
and becomes undifferentiated. There are no worlds,no caste, no stage in life, no family, no job, no struggling, no friends, no enemies,no good, no bad,no birth.There is only the highest Truth.. Thats me! My inner self. Thats the supreme self !!